This is me Bressain's Blog

Utah Code Camp Spring 2012

So check it out, I actually spoke at a code camp. I've always thought about speaking at code camp but I've never felt authoritative enough about anything to speak on it. Well, not anything interesting anyway. A few friends of mine finally coaxed me into taking the plunge and I totally survived.

I've been doing a lot of work with Mercurial at work lately so I decided to speak about how great it is and how it's totally viable as a version control system for both personal and work use. I didn't have the biggest audience in the world but I was able to fill up the time and was even able to field a few questions. It was stressful, exhilarating and I totally need to do it again.

I decided to do the slide deck through Google docs (which was pretty brave on my part as the wireless was brought to its knees during the conference). I don't regret it as it's easy to share and reference later. Anyway, here they are if you're interested, I included fairly detailed notes on each slide so if you missed my session, you can see what I talked about.